A Varied Manor Landscape

The varied manor landscape with a mixture of forest, agriculture, meadow, wetlands, and lakes are making the perfect frames of the maintenance of nature, hunting and fishing.
As the first Danish manor ever, Gisselfeld Kloster has been awarded the Wildlife Estate Label of ELO which is only awarded those who essentially provide for the flora and fauna in the day-to-day operation.  Gisselfeld Kloster is taking care of and showing responsibility for the biotopes, which is reflected in the care of game and fish.

Available Fishing Waters >

Available Hunting Areas >

A Comprehensive Variety in the Species of the Fauna - also the Preserved Species

The fauna of Gisselfeld has a long list of species, and the mansion aims to optimize the nature areas in order to maintain optimal conditions for the fauna.
In the nature areas of Gisselfeld you will meet red deer, fallow deer, roe deer, hares, foxes, pheasants, partridges, and many species of geese and ducks.
Besides, lovers of nature and birds can enjoy many species of both mammal and birds.

Tilmeld BoligService

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