In the Middle of the Agricultural Land

The agricultural department is run from Gisselfeld Avlsgård (home farm) which is centrally placed near the castle and in the middle of the agricultural land.
The agricultural department is run in harmony with the further activities of the estate, such as renting of houses, fishing, hunting, tourism, and events.

High-Quality Products

On the areas of Gisselfeld you will find almost all types of soil; from sandy, stony soil to very heavy, adhesive clay soil. You will find the good and flatter soil north of Gisselfeld towards Haslev, whereas the poorer and more undulating soil can be found south of the castle towards Vester Egede village.
Today Gisselfeld has 3 categories of rotation of crops:

1. Sugar beets - spring barley / canned peas - wheat
2. Rape - wheat - wheat - spring seeding
3. Rape - rye - rye - rye

Due to the soil conditions and the considerable part of light soil Gisselfeld is today one of the biggest producers of rye for bread. Gisselfeld Agricultural Department is loosening the majority of the straw, thus - together with supplementary crops - achieving improved soil conditions. The superior objective of the production in the rotation of crops is products of high quality, using as few subsidiary materials (chemistry, fertilizer) as possible during cultivation. Along the streams, lakes, and other sensitive areas of Gisselfeld marginal zones have been established in order to protect the environment in the best possible way.


Tilmeld BoligService

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