Gisselfeld Forest Districts

The forest area under Gisselfeld is privately owned and is far the greatest agricultural section at Gisselfeld Kloster.
The forestry is run as a traditional forestry with a big production of Christmas trees and pine in bundles.
10,000-15,000 m3 of raw wood are felled yearly in the forests of Gisselfeld, with an annual increment of 16,000 m3
The raw wood is sold to Danish and foreign industries.
In private forests special rules for traffic apply, and we request that these are observed by the guests.

Production of Quality Wood

The main objectives are production of quality wood in combination with maintenance of the forest, preserving and developing the values both concerning production and nature. Today, the permanent staff of the forest districts consists of a ranger and six permanent employees. Besides, a great number of casual labourers are called in every year during the Christmas season and the season for pine bundling. During this season we produce 75,000 Christmas trees and 150 tons of pine in bundles.
The majority of the Christmas trees are exported, and they are today an essential part of the business. The forest production also works up big quantities of wood chips which are sold in trailered lorries for heating plants and the like. Gisselfeld Kloster, Gisselfeld Avlsgård (home farm), and adjoining buildings are heated by a wood chips furnace, and the forests are supplying the necessary fuel quantity.


Tilmeld BoligService

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